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Präsentieren mit Pfiff: Wenn Sie die Methode des Storytellings nutzen, können Sie Lagerfeuer und See, die Sie hier sehen, direkt sehen, hören und riechen.

Presentation with flair

Imagine your rhetoric is so expressive that it creates impressive images in the listener's mind that stay with them for a long time. Storytelling transforms even dry facts into fascinating stories! Get to the heart of your ideas at meetings in a concise and interesting way. As an actress, I will show you the best storytelling techniques and, if required, exercises on voice, language and articulation. As a psychological coach, I can support you with mental preparation and stress management. I look forward to supporting you with all my knowledge and experience!

Präsentieren mit Pfiff

Skillful communication

Misunderstandings and other ambiguities... Communication is an exciting and complex topic. From the various parameters of language and communication techniques to conflict dynamics and conflict resolution strategies: benefit from practice-oriented exercises and exciting theoretical input! Take your communication skills to the next level. I look forward to seeing you!

Von Missverständnissen und anderen Unklarheiten. Die unterscheidlichen Wasserfälle auf diesem Bild symbolisieren, wie wichtig es ist, den Redefluss optimal zu gestalten. Der blaue Himmel und das Grün der Pflanzen stehen repräsentativ für die Zuversicht in der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.
Gekonntes Kommunizieren
Professionell telefonieren, und schwierige Gespräche meistern: Symbolisch steht die rote Telefonzelle für das konzentrierte Telefonieren, die sanfte, grüne Landschaft um die Telefonzelle steht für die Weite und das persönliche Wohlbefinden, die kleine Steinmauer symbolisiert eine Grenze, die man bei Bedarf ziehen darf, um seine persönlichen Grenzen zu wahren.

Phone Skills

Would you like to conduct telephone conversations professionally and successfully? Then these topics may be relevant for you: - Using the parameters of language - Dealing with different personality types - Reducing stress and frustration - Mastering difficult conversations with confidence Benefit from practical tips and helpful techniques. I look forward to meeting you!

Professionelles Telefonieren

Successful with mentoring

Mentoring is particularly important in the onboarding phase. It ensures a successful start and that new employees are interested in staying with the company. Experienced employees can benefit from reverse mentoring from younger employees, for example when it comes to reacting appropriately to the changes of today. In this training course, you will learn how to conduct mentoring discussions in a structured and professional manner and how to deal successfully with challenges in mentoring: empowering, communicative and motivating. Make your company fit for the future. For the new kind of supportive cooperation. Please get in touch for more information, I look forward to hearing from you!

Mentoring - Schulung: Das Miteinander ist die Zukunft. Auf diesem Bild werden 2 nahe gelegene Flussufer durch eine sanft geschwungene Holzbrücke miteinander verbunden. An beiden Ufern sieht man grünen, saftigen Rasen und üppige grüne Baumkronen.
Erfolgreich mit Mentoring
Wenn man sich für ein Assessment Center optimal vorbereitet, kann man optimal performen und navigieren. Symbolisch dafür steht hier ein Irrgarten aus Büschen, den man aus der Vogelperspektive sieht. Inmitten des großen Irrgartens steht ein kleiner Aussichtsturm, von dem man einen guten Überblick von oben hat. Der blaue Himmel und die Helligkeit der Sonne symbolisieren Freude und Optimismus.

Confident in assessment 

Secure the best chances of a successful assessment through professional and structured preparation! Learn how to create a professional presentation quickly and impressively on site, what to look out for in discussion rounds and role plays and what stumbling blocks there can be in stressful interviews. As an actress, I will help you to appear authentic and convincing in the assessment. As a psychological coach, I support you in dealing successfully with stressful situations so that you can show your potential despite all the challenges. I have worked in assessments myself and can support you with my extensive background knowledge in a targeted and well-founded manner. I look forward to meeting you!

Souverän im Assesment

with improv theater

Imagine a room in which different participants have to master an unexpected task immediately. Quick mutual support is required for this to succeed. Simple exercises allow creativity to unfold in the shortest possible time. The joint effort strengthens team spirit. Participants practise reacting spontaneously to each other and dealing well with stress. The participants also learn important parameters of communication. Experience for yourself how easy it is to take your first steps in improv theater. You don't need any previous knowledge for improv theater! Please contact me for more information, I look forward to hearing from you!

Suchen Sie ein außergewöhnliches Teambuilding für Ihr buntes Team? Repräsentativ dafür sieht man hier viele bunte Schirme vor einem leuchtend blauen Himmel.
Teambuilding mit Improtheater
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